
gophercloud简介--OpenStack golang SDK

published on 02 Nov 2017.


gophercloud是OpenStack的Golang SDK包,第三方应用程序可以通过这个包提供的API接口调用到OpenStack云相关的API服务。


既然是通过API调用服务,那就和使用OpenStack API的程序处于同一位置,大致可以分为如下几个步骤。

  1. 提供鉴权的地址,用户名&密码(或者是token),domain信息
  2. 提供Cert 文件,Key文件
  3. 通过鉴权地址建立安全连接后,发送1中的信息进行鉴权。
  4. 鉴权成功后获得token和其它服务的地址(服务目录)
  5. 通过服务的地址和token访问其它的服务。


gophercloud具体实现——两个client + 1个factory

既然是要通过code调用API服务,那么肯定需要封装能访问这些API服务的client,在gophercloud中一共有两个client,分别代表了两个层次的client(严格上说是3个,这里有没有把http client这一层算作是gophercloud的client)。这两个client分别是service-clientprovider-client。大致关系如下:

其中provider-client是service-client的一个generic implement,它是所有服务访问的基础client,provider-client主要是封装了http-client,构建http消息通过http-client发送,然后再处理返回消息以及异常。它的结构体声明如下:

// ProviderClient stores details that are required to interact with any
// services within a specific provider's API.
// Generally, you acquire a ProviderClient by calling the NewClient method in
// the appropriate provider's child package, providing whatever authentication
// credentials are required.
type ProviderClient struct {
	// IdentityBase is the base URL used for a particular provider's identity
	// service - it will be used when issuing authenticatation requests. It
	// should point to the root resource of the identity service, not a specific
	// identity version.
	IdentityBase string

	// IdentityEndpoint is the identity endpoint. This may be a specific version
	// of the identity service. If this is the case, this endpoint is used rather
	// than querying versions first.
	IdentityEndpoint string

	// TokenID is the ID of the most recently issued valid token.
	TokenID string

	// EndpointLocator describes how this provider discovers the endpoints for
	// its constituent services.
	EndpointLocator EndpointLocator

	// HTTPClient allows users to interject arbitrary http, https, or other transit behaviors.
	HTTPClient http.Client

	// UserAgent represents the User-Agent header in the HTTP request.
	UserAgent UserAgent

	// ReauthFunc is the function used to re-authenticate the user if the request
	// fails with a 401 HTTP response code. This a needed because there may be multiple
	// authentication functions for different Identity service versions.
	ReauthFunc func() error

	Debug bool


// Request performs an HTTP request using the ProviderClient's current HTTPClient. An authentication
// header will automatically be provided.
func (client *ProviderClient) Request(method, url string, options *RequestOpts) (*http.Response, error) 

Request方法通过对http client封装出提供对远端http服务的访问方法,该方法主要有三个参数,method,url,和options,method是指http请求的类型,如get,post,put,delete等,url是指访问远端的http资源路径,后面会简单介绍它的生成规则,options则是访问该远程服务提供的一些参数。

基于provider-client,会衍生出各种服务client,如:计算服务client,存储服务client,鉴权服务client等等,这些服务clients并不是每一种服务定义了一个结构体,而是抽象成了一个结构体申明,那就是service-client. 这里先介绍下service-client的内部,至于如果构建这些不同类型的服务client的,稍后介绍。

service-client继承至provider-client,但是对provider-client进行了具体化,把provider的request请求装饰成了rest请求类型:get, put, post, delete, patch,并对provider的属性针对各个服务API进行了进一步定义,具体结构定义如下:

// ServiceClient stores details required to interact with a specific service API implemented by a provider.
// Generally, you'll acquire these by calling the appropriate `New` method on a ProviderClient.
type ServiceClient struct {
	// ProviderClient is a reference to the provider that implements this service.

	// Endpoint is the base URL of the service's API, acquired from a service catalog.
	// It MUST end with a /.
	Endpoint string

	// ResourceBase is the base URL shared by the resources within a service's API. It should include
	// the API version and, like Endpoint, MUST end with a / if set. If not set, the Endpoint is used
	// as-is, instead.
	ResourceBase string

	// This is the service client type (e.g. compute, sharev2).
	// It is only exported because it gets set in a different package.
	Type string

	// The microversion of the service to use. Set this to use a particular microversion.
	Microversion string



// NewComputeV2 creates a ServiceClient that may be used with the v2 compute
// package.
func NewComputeV2(client *gophercloud.ProviderClient, eo gophercloud.EndpointOpts) (*gophercloud.ServiceClient, error) {
	return initClientOpts(client, eo, "compute")

// NewNetworkV2 creates a ServiceClient that may be used with the v2 network
// package.
func NewNetworkV2(client *gophercloud.ProviderClient, eo gophercloud.EndpointOpts) (*gophercloud.ServiceClient, error) {
	sc, err := initClientOpts(client, eo, "network")
	sc.ResourceBase = sc.Endpoint + "v2.0/"
	return sc, err

// NewBlockStorageV1 creates a ServiceClient that may be used to access the v1
// block storage service.
func NewBlockStorageV1(client *gophercloud.ProviderClient, eo gophercloud.EndpointOpts) (*gophercloud.ServiceClient, error) {
	return initClientOpts(client, eo, "volume")


A basic example of using this would be:
	ao, err := openstack.AuthOptionsFromEnv()
	provider, err := openstack.NewClient(ao.IdentityEndpoint)
	client, err := openstack.NewIdentityV3(provider, gophercloud.EndpointOpts{})
func NewClient(endpoint string) (*gophercloud.ProviderClient, error)

通过上述这些工厂构建出相应的service-client后,利用service-client的get,post,put,delete等方法,再加上相应的参数,就可以调用OpenStack的API了,具体每个OpenStack API的参数,请参见这里,gophercloud针对各个服务需要的参数也定义了相应的结构体,分别在 的子目录下。如创建块存储所的需要的参数定义在CreateOpts里,并且封装了相应的方法,如创建块存储的方法定义如下,详细参见这里

// Create will create a new Volume based on the values in CreateOpts. To extract
// the Volume object from the response, call the Extract method on the
// CreateResult.
func Create(client *gophercloud.ServiceClient, opts CreateOptsBuilder) (r CreateResult) {
	b, err := opts.ToVolumeCreateMap()
	if err != nil {
		r.Err = err
	_, r.Err = client.Post(createURL(client), b, &r.Body, &gophercloud.RequestOpts{
		OkCodes: []int{202},


func createURL(c *gophercloud.ServiceClient) string {
	return c.ServiceURL("volumes")

这样所有的对外接口就全呈现出来了,对于gophercloud的使用者来讲,首先通过client.NewClient构建一个provider-client,然后利用这个provider-client和EndpointOpts通过各个服务工厂方法(如块存储服务工厂client.NewBlockStorageV1)构建出service-client。最后使用这个service-client加上相应的调用参数就可以调用相应的服务接口了,如创建块存储func Create(client *gophercloud.ServiceClient, opts CreateOptsBuilder)。



在构建service-client时需要用到这个endpoint地址,在每次向OpenStack API发送rest请求时,需要根据这个endpoint来构建rest的uri(前面有提到),最后将这个uri传给provider-client的request进行远端服务调用,那么如果创建这个uri的呢?


        v3Client, err := NewIdentityV3(client, eo)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if endpoint != "" {
		v3Client.Endpoint = endpoint

	result := tokens3.Create(v3Client, opts)

	token, err := result.ExtractToken()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	catalog, err := result.ExtractServiceCatalog()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	client.TokenID = token.ID

	if opts.CanReauth() {
		client.ReauthFunc = func() error {
			client.TokenID = ""
			return v3auth(client, endpoint, opts, eo)
	client.EndpointLocator = func(opts gophercloud.EndpointOpts) (string, error) {
		return V3EndpointURL(catalog, opts)

catalog, err := result.ExtractServiceCatalog()就是解析出相应的服务目录,获得服务目录后需要通过EndpointOpts来定义的参数进行过滤获得具体的服务endpoint,这里主要是根据region,服务提供的范围(上图中的Interface)进行过滤,详细代码见这里:

for _, entry := range catalog.Entries {
		if (entry.Type == opts.Type) && (opts.Name == "" || entry.Name == opts.Name) {
			for _, endpoint := range entry.Endpoints {
				if opts.Availability != gophercloud.AvailabilityAdmin &&
					opts.Availability != gophercloud.AvailabilityPublic &&
					opts.Availability != gophercloud.AvailabilityInternal {
					err := &ErrInvalidAvailabilityProvided{}
					err.Argument = "Availability"
					err.Value = opts.Availability
					return "", err
				if (opts.Availability == gophercloud.Availability(endpoint.Interface)) &&
					(opts.Region == "" || endpoint.Region == opts.Region) {
					endpoints = append(endpoints, endpoint)


func initClientOpts(client *gophercloud.ProviderClient, eo gophercloud.EndpointOpts, clientType string) (*gophercloud.ServiceClient, error) {
    sc := new(gophercloud.ServiceClient)
	url, err := client.EndpointLocator(eo)
	if err != nil {
		return sc, err
	sc.ProviderClient = client
	sc.Endpoint = url
	sc.Type = clientType
	return sc, nil

service-cliet在进行具体的服务调用时,会根据这里的endpoint来拼装uri(前面介绍的createURL),具体拼装逻辑封装在service-client 的ServiceURL方法里:

// ResourceBaseURL returns the base URL of any resources used by this service. It MUST end with a /.
func (client *ServiceClient) ResourceBaseURL() string {
	if client.ResourceBase != "" {
		return client.ResourceBase
	return client.Endpoint

// ServiceURL constructs a URL for a resource belonging to this provider.
func (client *ServiceClient) ServiceURL(parts ...string) string {
	return client.ResourceBaseURL() + strings.Join(parts, "/")


